They carried us inside their wombs for nine months, taking very good care of their health in order to ensure our healthy development as infants. They have experienced many sleepless nights answering our baby cries in order to feed us, change our diapers and put us to sleep late at night. They have prepared our baons, neatly putting them inside our lunch boxes before going to school and have made sure that our uniforms were well ironed. They have taken good care of us when we are sick, making sure that we drink our medicines on time. They have and would continue to sacrifice on our behalf because we are their most valuable possession. To them, we are the most beautiful, despite violent contradictions from other people, and most priceless beings in this world.
They are our mothers.
It is mother’s day this coming Sunday. It is that day every year where we get the chance to pay our mothers tribute and show them how much we love them and appreciate what they have done, and would do for us.
Here is a simple tribute to one of the special mothers in our family, my grandmother Lucy.

Happy mother’s day to my wonderful mom, my grandmother and to all your great mothers! Happy mother’s day to you! We love you!
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