saturday, started the weekend with a 3K fun “run” (partida pa kasi nagyoyosi si jm while doing the fun run), at mckinley hill. then headed to cash and carry to buy our food and alcohol supplies for the anilao trip in the afternoon. oh yes, the long awaited amd outing finally pushed through. these made the trip memorable: last minute confirmations, our lunch came after more than 3 hours the order was made, unsuccessful attempts to buy a pair of slippers for abhie, paghintay samin sa star tollway… mga santacruzan sa batangas that had traffic stopped along the national highway, tamarind beach’s steep driveway, white dog ni xtian at jammy, coleman full of ice cold beer, tequila and johnny mix ni sir jason, the koolaide traydor drink of sir alex, mr. notary public, pag ‘ba-baraha’ at pag gulong-gulong sa damo, designing the bauan church, and those that i can’t remember due to my alcohol intoxication. =p but in the end, it was sunshine and the beach that made my lovely weekend.
team megaworld

abhie showing her teeth =D

ending the day with a dinner overlooking the manila cityscape
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