Saturday, August 7, 2010

Becoming a godparent

How do you choose a godparent for your child? I was invited to be a Godfather for two of my nephews this year and I am wondering why my cousins chose me. Is it because I can be a good role model for their children, do I appear to be generous, do they see me as a father figure that their children can run to or do they just find me handsome? Haha.

When I was a kid, I was dreaming of a Godparent who would always give me gifts on my birthdays and Christmas, or a godparent who would always give me “aguinaldos” on Christmas and New Year. But being an adult now, I am not sure if I can be the ideal Godparent I had when I was a kid. Magastos pala ang maging ganon. Hopefully I would be able to make up to my godchildren.

Sleeping Soundly

Proud Dad
Proud Dad

I gave two pairs of baby sneakers to Noah because that is the collection I want to start now. Let’s see if I would be able to influence him on this interest I have now. Wanted to give him a camera since that is my ultimate interest, but he is just too young to be able to use one.

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