Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A year after, Adam decides to write on his blog again. So how have I been? I developed and abscess in my left thigh near my buttocks and the pain has been bugging me since Friday. Should I have known that it was a boil that I popped last Thursday, I would have not done so because the boil got infected and now developed into an abscess.

"An abscess is a localized collection of pus that generally develops in response to infection. An abscess is typically painful, and it appears as a swollen area that is warm to the touch. The skin surrounding an abscess typically appears pink or red.

Abscesses can develop in many parts of the body, but they usually involve the skin surface. Common sites affected include the armpits, groin, rectal area (perirectal abscess), the external vaginal area (Bartholin abscess), and along the tailbone (pilonidal abscess). Abscesses can also affect the brain, kidneys, liver (hepatic abscess), lungs, teeth (dental abscess), and tonsils (peritonsillar abscess). Inflammation surrounding hair follicles can lead to the formation of abscesses. Skin abscesses are often referred to as boils.

Unlike other infections, antibiotics alone will not cure an abscess. In general, abscesses must open and drain to improve. Although sometimes an abscess will open and drain spontaneously, it generally needs to be opened and drained (incision and drainage) by a health care provider."

Pus has drained by itself but would have the abscess cleaned tom by the female doctor in our office. ;p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your great


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